====== Other Ideas ====== Here I collect some of my other crazy and not so crazy ideas and projects. Some of my newer ideas can also be found on my blog. ===== Comparison of Hackerspace Networks ===== [[projects:hackerspace_networks|Features of Hackerspace Networks]] ===== Streamingbox with Webinterface for Icecast ===== During the last [[https://events.fnordeingang.de/goa/2017/wiki/GoA17|GoA]], we had the problem that we wanted an audio livestream, but with Linux it's very ugly to configure ad-hoc. So the idea was born to let this job be done by a Raspberry Pi with an external sound card. The goal is to attach an audio signal via Line-In, Cinch or XLR, fill in some data required for icecast via a webinterface and just stream. The project is developed [[https://wiki.hackerspace-bielefeld.de/index.php?title=Streamingbox|here]]. ===== Wo die Infrastruktur lebt ===== Inspired by Moritz Metz's radio project [[http://wodasinternetlebt.de|"Wo das Internet lebt"]], I started my own project called "Wo die Infrastruktur lebt". It's not only focused on telco infrastructure, but also electricity and gas. You can find the photos [[https://wdil.bodems.net|here]]. ===== OWL-IX ===== * [[projects:owl-ix|owl-ix]] ===== Distributed e-book library ===== * [[projects:library|e-book library]]